Improving Teachers’ Assessment Literacy through Professional Development

Improving Teachers’ Assessment Literacy through Professional Development

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Improving Teachers’ Assessment Literacy through Professional Development

This paper described and explained the findings of a 2-year longitudinal, quasi- experimental intervention study of improving Singapore teachers’, assessment literacy in designing and implementing authentic assessment for use in their day-to-day classroom instruction in Years 4 and 5 English, Chinese, Science, and Mathematics. The participants consisted of teachers from four intervention schools and four comparison schools, which were matched on type of school and topics taught in the subject area. In the intervention group, teachers were involved in ongoing and systemic professional development in designing classroom assessment tasks and associated rubrics that were well aligned with the authentic intellectual quality criteria. Teachers from the comparison group received a single professional development workshop towards the end of each year. Data sources included (a) pre- and post-survey of teachers’, assessment practices, (b) collection of teachers’, assessment tasks and associated student work samples in the beginning of the first year of the study and over the course of the study, and (c) twice yearly teachers’, interviews about their conceptions of authentic assessment. The findings show that teachers’, assessment literacy from the intervention group has increased significantly in the second year of professional development.

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