Indigenised and Indigenous assessments in Nigeria: Opinion of teachers and students

Indigenised and Indigenous assessments in Nigeria: Opinion of teachers and students

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Indigenised and Indigenous assessments in Nigeria: Opinion of teachers and students

Assessments involve collection of information for decision making within any context be it school or out-of-school. Within the Nigerian society assessments have tended to take western coloration following the introduction of formal education by the colonial masters. This situation no doubt would continue for a very long time to come and the use of current standard assessments have been criticised on the grounds that the culture of the assesses has most often be ignored. Just as indigenous psychology is related to ‘,the values, concepts, belief systems, methodology and other resources indigenous to the specific ethnic or cultural group under study (Ho, 1998:94), so also is indigenous assessment. Thus indigenous assessments are based on cultural experiences. On the other hand efforts to indigenise assessments are geared towards making the so-called foreign assessments suitable for use in a particular locale. One may see indigenisation as making the assessments appropriate taking into consideration the characteristics of those assessed while indigenous assessments are those having a theoretical foundation based on the local conditions. In this era when reasons for poor performance in public examinations has become a recurring decimal in daily discourse the indigenisation and indigenous assessments may need to be examined with respect to how they can be applied in schools. Consequently, this study would explore the opinion of teachers and students about them as well as outline what benefits are derivable from both concepts and what can be done to obtain maximum benefit from the application of both concepts in school assessments for good results in public examinations. The study will focus on a population made of students in their second year of senior secondary school and teachers at this level from an urban location in Nigeria. A questionnaire exploring indigenized and indigenous assessments on a five point scale of strongly agree throughundecided to strongly disagree would be used. Interviews would also be applied. The information collected would be analysed using means and standard deviation. The results showed differential acceptance of both assessments, indigenised were seen as most relevantfor affective measures as many indigenous assessments in this area are not readily available.The recommendations made included efforts being made to produce indigenous assessment ,instruments.

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