Integrated criteria-based assessment model in Nazarbajev intellectual schools

Integrated criteria-based assessment model in Nazarbajev intellectual schools

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Integrated criteria-based assessment model in Nazarbajev intellectual schools

In accordance with the Development strategy of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools (NIS) the mission of NIS to enhance the intellectual capacity with the development and implementation of innovative model of school system is realised through NIS strategic tasks including creating curricula and learning resources, helping students to become functionally literate lifelong learners who are polylingual, patriotic, responsible citizens, creative and critical thinkers, and developing a transparent system for assessment. The NIS Integrated Educational Programme values set like respect for self and others, cooperation, transparency, social responsibility, lifelong learning within which conditions are established for student acquisition of a range of skills essential for success in the 21st century.Formation of innovative model of school education is the objective necessity of modern education. Establishment of such model requires changing not only the content of education, methods of teaching, school structure and interrelation system but principles of academic achievement assessment as well. Integrated criteria-based assessment model presents the system of assessment for the objective student achievements assessment, based on clearly defined assessment criteria, designed to correspond with the learning objectives stated in the Integrated Educational Programme.Key words: education, assessment system, criteria-based.

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