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- Create Date August 2, 2018
- Last Updated August 2, 2018
Large scale assessment – maintaining public confidence in high stakes state examinations.
If high stakes assessment processes do not have quality assurance systems in place to ensure they can display the characteristics of fairness, openness and transparency, then they may fail to command the public confidence which high stakes assessment processes demand.A brief description will be given of the processes and quality assurance measures put in place by the State Examinations Commission (SEC) in Ireland for the setting and marking of its Leaving Certificate examinations. This will be followed by a more detailed description of the measures which the SEChas in place to support the principles of openness and , transparency in its marking of examinations.These measures include a process whereby marked , examination scripts are returned for viewing by candidates and an appeal process which mirrors the original marking process.The presentation will conclude with an open discussion of how these processes serve to support the characteristics of a system which commands public confidence.
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