Redesigning assessment and reporting: impacts student learning and social values

Redesigning assessment and reporting: impacts student learning and social values

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Redesigning assessment and reporting: impacts student learning and social values

Alberta, a province in Canada with an educational ministry dedicated to student success has adopted three key components to drive its new curricular direction. The young adult graduating from high school in Alberta will be an engaged thinker and ethical citizen with an entrepreneurial spirit.To augment this vision, the ministry is currently designing a curriculum of student competency, raising new questions about the role of student assessment in this new direction of education. Calgary Girls', School, a public charter school in Alberta, is tasked with leading educational research in the province and with demonstrating pedagogical innovation. This lighthouse school has taken the lead in the area of assessment vis-a-vis conceptualization and building student competencies.In the fall of 2012, the school embarked on an arduous journey, whose genesis was found in a disconnect between a pedagogy of collaborative inquiry fostered through conversation and exploration, and a term report card which indicated student performance in percentage grades. The new design for assessment and reporting at Calgary Girls’, School is established in a technology platform called Edmodo, a platform where students upload work, teachers provide formative feedback, and parents engage in the daily authentic learning of their children. Student work can be presented in a variety of digital modalities including multi media.The paper to be presented will address the impetus for the new design, the journey of the process and the necessary conversations to address not only the changes that took place in the school’,s assessment and reporting practice, but also the larger social implications of changing our society to one that embraces a growth mindset.A social mindset that values a paint by number approach to assessment of student learning over contextualized authentic learning experiences is a final challenge that will be addressed in this paper.

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