The Cambridge approach to 21st Century skills: definitions, development and dilemmas for assessment

The Cambridge approach to 21st Century skills: definitions, development and dilemmas for assessment

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

The Cambridge approach to 21st Century skills: definitions, development and dilemmas for assessment

The overall aim of this session is to provide opportunities to share and discussevidence-based thinking on 21st Century skills. Two key questions facing assessmentprofessionals globally are those of: (i) what 21st Century skills are, and (ii) howlearners can best show evidence of them. Building on international literature reviewsof this diverse array of skills and knowledge, we outline the six major pedagogicalapproaches to their development in learners that Cambridge Assessment supports.Although the pedagogical approaches are not mutually exclusive, each has differentimplications for assessment. We outline how Cambridge Assessment uses a variety ofresearch-driven assessment techniques to measure 21st Century skills.We also discuss some of the key challenges faced by assessors internationally. Theseinclude the question of how contributions to collaborative tasks can best be assessed,and the tension between reporting complex skill sets in a sufficiently detailed andmeaningful way whilst also providing results that can be utilised efficiently by endusersof the assessments.Keywords: 21st Century skills, pedagogy, assessment

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