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- Create Date August 2, 2018
- Last Updated August 2, 2018
The End of Primary School Test
Following primary education, all children in the Netherlands go on to secondary education: to one of the educational tracks of vmbo (preparatory intermediate vocational education), havo (senior general secondary education) or vwo (pre-university education). Besides the primary school’,s assessment, admission to secondary education also often requires so-called independent information. That is the score of a test that is not compiled by the school itself, but by an independent body. There are various tests that could be used for this purpose. The Citotest is one of them and is used by approximately 85% of all Dutch primary schools. The test contains questions about Language, Arithmetic/Mathematics, Study Skills and -optional- Environmental Studies. All children that take part in the Citotest receive a pupil report that states which type of secondary education best fits a child (based on his score). In addition, Cito provides school reports which can ,be used to monitor the school',s quality of education. This presentation will discuss the use of the results on the Citotest by secondary education and third parties such as the Inspectorate of Education and local authorities.
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