The system of certification and performance evaluation of state employees in the Republic of Belarus

The system of certification and performance evaluation of state employees in the Republic of Belarus

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  • Create Date October 28, 2019
  • Last Updated October 28, 2019

The system of certification and performance evaluation of state employees in the Republic of Belarus

Performance evaluation in the system of public administration is aimed not only at measuring certain indicators, but also at building a common policy of human resources management, designed to ensure the coordination of the activities of each civil servant at different levels with the overall management strategy. At the same time, the main goal is to encourage civil servants to constantly improve their professional knowledge and skills in order to be able to move up the career ladder and achieve a higher level in their professional development. Approaches to evaluation and certification civil servants are based on two key components: evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of professional activities of civil servants for a certain period in the framework of individual tasks, formed with the objectives of the state body; determination of the professional competencies level, compliance of business and personal qualities of civil servants with the requirements for the relevant position. Evaluation and certification procedures are complex and involve the use of various levels of assessment (individual, group, institutional or systemic) and the performing a series of interrelated stages. The achievement of the goals and objectives set for a specific employee is evaluated at the individual level (they can be reflected in the individual development plan or another similar document). The performance of a professional group, department of a government body or organization is evaluated at the group level. The results of the activities of a civil servant or a group of servants are assessed to be consistent with the goals and objectives of the entire state body or sector of the economy at the institutional level. As a rule, the compliance of the results of their activities with the program documents regulating the sphere of public administration is assessed at the systemic level. According to the results of law enforcement practice, it is planned to intensify work on the implementation of specific software tools (testing facilities) for evaluation of activities and assessment of civil servants using modern means of automation of these processes.

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