Use ict in test examinations’ preparation and conducting

Use ict in test examinations’ preparation and conducting

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Use ict in test examinations’ preparation and conducting

The State Students Admission Commission (SSAC) was established with the purpose of organizing and conducting of the centralized test entrance examinations to higher and secondary specialized schools. Every year the sphere of our activity extended, the number of citizens served by us grew. Admission of students to master degree of higher schools, testing of those who wish to work on civil service, selection of students for training abroad –, this is not the full list of the new duties assigned to us. Preparation and conducting of mass test examinations qualitatively and duly are inconceivable without use of new computer technologies. Facilities and technologies applied at various stages of process of conducting examinations are described in the report, the attention is paid to questions of development of İ,CT, infrastructure of the SSAC and perspective projects the realization of which is intended in the next years.

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