Validity and Automated Essay Scoring: A Summary Paper

Validity and Automated Essay Scoring: A Summary Paper

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Validity and Automated Essay Scoring: A Summary Paper

In the United States, automated essay scoring is used in many large-scale testing programs. It can be found in postsecondary admissions tests (e.g., GRE revised General Test, TOEFL iBT, Graduate Management Admission Test, Pearson Test of English), in professional licensure and certification (e.g., Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination), in college placement (e.g., ACT COMPASS, College Board ACCUPLACER), and in state assessment (e.g., Wyoming Direct Writing Assessment).This paper summarizes the automated essay scoring process, the process of scoring model generation, and some of the evidentiary sources and the questions underlying the validity argument for automated essay scoring as they might relate to measuring writing proficiency in computer-based tests like those listed above. Greater detail can be found in Bennett and Zhang (in press).Keywords: automated scoring, performance assessment, writing assessment

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