The Effect of Self Directed Learning Tasks on Attitude towards Science

The Effect of Self Directed Learning Tasks on Attitude towards Science

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

The Effect of Self Directed Learning Tasks on Attitude towards Science

Guangyang Primary School (GYPS) embarked on a school-based curriculum innovation (SCI) which aimed to develop students to be self-directed learners (SDL) in Science. The SCI was carried out on one class of Primary 3 (Grade 3) and one class of Primary 4 (Grade 4) high-ability students. It involved students working independently towards an enrichment project which comprised a series of tasks. The project focus was shaped by the curiosity of the students and the questions they posed in class. Through structured consultation sessions, the teachers acting as facilitators and resource persons encouraged students to construct their answers. During these sessions, the teachers guided students through the different stages of the project, namely, selection of a research area/ topic, decision on deliverables, crafting of the assessment criteria and the agreement on the presentation format and sharing of the new knowledge. Using the standardised mean difference, a large effect was observed for the scales, namely, confidence in the subject and usefulness of Science, in favour of the post–,SCI results. The positive effect is likely to be attributed to good questioning techniques and effective use of feedback.

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