The methods in preparation of the new type of test questions In Chemistry and their grading ability

The methods in preparation of the new type of test questions In Chemistry and their grading ability

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

The methods in preparation of the new type of test questions In Chemistry and their grading ability

For 15 years,we have a new test system for admitting students to institutes of higher educationion and it has an important role in providing the objectivity.The new system includes chemistry questions as well as other sciences for checking students’, knowledge and ability .The asked questions are prepared in accordance with the profile specialities of profession group (math, physics, engineering, chemistrytecnology, architech, art projects,medical,chemistry,biology and sportive activity). One of the main conditions to grade the exam results is preparation of the test questions in accordance with proper standards and criterias and these questions must correctly grade the knowledge of examinees.

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