Transition to new communicative test form. Its content and development.

Transition to new communicative test form. Its content and development.

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Transition to new communicative test form. Its content and development.

Nowadays communicative approach to language teaching has gained dominance. The advent of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic approach in teaching of foreign languages caused changes of education methods. Language is currently reckoned as a dynamic, creative and functional system. Effectiveness of communication that is coming into contact in accordance with the situation and conditions is considered to be the highest criterion of language acquisition. The presented material reflects the following:•, Using of the language as a means of communication in certain real-life situations,•, Pragmatic direction and functional character of communicative testing,•, Ways of developing test models which are able to give the real idea about the examinees’, levels of ability of using the language as a means of communication.

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