Olga Mozhayeva
Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools Graduates’ opinions as a factor of validity in the development of educational processes and assessment of learning outcomes
The opinion of school leavers and higher education graduates has the potential to provide institutions with significant qualitative data with which to reflect on the relative success of their students’,…
Ethics of Education: Fair Selection An Example from Kazakhstan
Nowadays, teaching and learning in many countries are oriented in acquiring competences by students to enable them to function as citizens in modern society. This orientation is often reflected in…
Subject Knowledge assessment in the selection of students to grade 7 of Nazarbayev intellectual schools
A new curriculum and assessment aimed to foster 21st century skills are being developed and implemented at Nazarbayev Intellectual schools (NIS). The major of the curriculum is Mathematics and Sciences.…
Integrated criteria-based assessment model in Nazarbajev intellectual schools
In accordance with the Development strategy of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools (NIS) the mission of NIS to enhance the intellectual capacity with the development and implementation of innovative model of school…